Posts tagged with

oil spill

Incident Responses for August 2022

Posted Fri, 09/16/2022 - 16:10

Every month, OR&R’s Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard on everything from running oil spill trajectories to model where the spill may spread, to identifying possible effects on wildlife and fisheries and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment. We also get requests to track and model other floating objects.

Incident Responses for July 2022

Posted Fri, 08/12/2022 - 16:30

So far this year, OR&R has provided support to 98 incidents. In July, OR&R provided response support to 21 incidents, including 11 new incidents in seven states and one territory (the U.S. Virgin Islands). Staff prepared 147 new incident reports and documents, including nine fate and trajectory analyses. Cumulatively, these incidents posed an approximate risk of over 66,000 gallons of oils and 77,000 metric tons of chemicals⁠. 

Incident Responses for June 2022

Posted Fri, 07/08/2022 - 00:15

So far this year, OR&R has provided support to 87 incidents. In June, OR&R provided response support to 30 incidents, including 22 new incidents in seven states and two foreign countries (Canada and Aruba). The new incidents included 19 actual or potential oil spills, one mystery spill, one grounded deep-sea semi-submersible oil rig with contaminated ballast water, and one whale carcass. Staff prepared 182 new incident reports and documents, including 13 fate and trajectory analyses.

Incident Responses for May 2022

Posted Thu, 06/16/2022 - 15:29

In May 2022, OR&R provided response support to 35 incidents, including 17 new incidents in 11 states. The new incidents included 13 actual or potential oil spills, two chemical spills, one barge fire, and one whale carcass. The division prepared 98 new incident reports and documents, including eight fate and trajectory analyses. Cumulatively, these incidents posed the risk of over 69,000 gallons of oils and chemicals.

Incident Responses for April 2022

Posted Fri, 05/13/2022 - 14:22

In April 2022, OR&R provided response support to 32 incidents, including 12 new incidents in eight states. The new incidents included eight actual or potential oil spills, two chemical spills, one facility fire, and one whale carcass. OR&R prepared 125 new incident reports, including four trajectory analyses. Cumulatively, these incidents posed the risk of almost 200,000 gallons of oils and chemicals. The volume numbers are approximate and based on initial information that may be updated in later investigations.

Incident Responses for March 2022

Posted Fri, 04/15/2022 - 14:04

Every month OR&R’s Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard on everything from running oil spill trajectories to model where the spill may spread, to possible effects on wildlife and fisheries and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment. This month OR&R responded to 13 incidents in March, including oil discharges, grounded vessels, and other pollution-related incidents. 

National Aquarium Dolphins Take a Deep Breath on Camera for Oil Spill Science

Posted Tue, 03/29/2022 - 13:52
By Megan Ewald, Office of Response and Restoration

Dolphin anatomy and behavior put them at high risk of inhaling oil during spills. They breathe at the surface, where oil floats. Unlike humans, who have noses that serve as air filters, dolphins blow holes connect almost directly to their lungs. This creates a more direct pathway for toxic oil to enter their bodies.

Incident Responses for February 2022

Posted Fri, 03/11/2022 - 13:33

Every month OR&R’s Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard on everything from running oil spill trajectories to model where the spill may spread, to possible effects on wildlife and fisheries and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment. This month OR&R responded to 12 incidents in February, including oil discharges, grounded vessels, and other pollution-related incidents.  

Incident Responses for January 2022

Posted Fri, 02/11/2022 - 16:19

Every month OR&R's Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard on everything from running oil spill trajectories to model where the spill may spread, to possible effects on wildlife and fisheries and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment. This month OR&R responded to eight incidents in January, including oil discharges, grounded vessels, and other pollution-related incidents.  

Incident Responses for December 2021

Posted Mon, 01/10/2022 - 13:04

Every month our Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard on everything from running oil spill trajectories to model where the spill may spread, to possible effects on wildlife and fisheries and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment. This month OR&R responded to 11 incidents in December, including oil discharges, grounded vessels, and other pollution-related incidents.