Monthly Archives January 2024

Contributions to Coastal Resilience: A Look Back on the Year in Emergency Response
By Doug Helton, Regional Operations Supervisor, Emergency Response Division
ryan.v.smith Wed, 01/31/2024 - 10:19

Last year, we provided scientific support for 162 new incidents — including 132 oil spills, 13 chemical spills, and 17 other incidents—such as severe storms, marine debris, and whale carcass drift requests. In our latest blog, we're taking a look back at our 2023 response efforts

Charting Waves, Forging Bonds: Mentorship in Marine Debris
By: Dr. Madison Willert, 2023 Knauss Fellow and Marine Debris Coordinator in NOAA’s Marine Debris Program and the National Sea Grant Office
ryan.v.smith Mon, 01/29/2024 - 08:27

Dr. Madison Willert, a 2023 Knauss Fellow from Georgia Tech, shares her experience as the Marine Debris Coordinator in NOAA’s Marine Debris Program and the National Sea Grant Office.