In September, OR&R provided scientific support for 19 marine pollution and coastal emergencies—including Hurricane Helene, which came ashore in Florida, but ultimately affected six states (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia).
By Doug Helton, Regional Operations Supervisor, Emergency Response Division
Last year, we provided scientific support for 162 new incidents — including 132 oil spills, 13 chemical spills, and 17 other incidents—such as severe storms, marine debris, and whale carcass drift requests. In our latest blog, we're taking a look back at our 2023 response efforts
By: Dr. Madison Willert, 2023 Knauss Fellow and Marine Debris Coordinator in NOAA’s Marine Debris Program and the National Sea Grant Office
Dr. Madison Willert, a 2023 Knauss Fellow from Georgia Tech, shares her experience as the Marine Debris Coordinator in NOAA’s Marine Debris Program and the National Sea Grant Office.
Hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, and tsunamis are among nature's most powerful and destructive events, and when these natural disasters strike, they can create massive amounts of debris. That’s why NOAA's Marine Debris Program, within the Office of Response and Restoration, is participating in National Preparedness Month and highlighting NOAA technology, tools, and resources created to help prevent and respond to disaster-generated marine debris.
In this Q&A series, NOAA intern Abisola Ajayi interviews three scientists in NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration. In this second interview, she talks with OR&R Marine Debris Program California Sea Grant Extension Fellow Tanya Torres.
Just like people who travel around the world, our trash travels and it can go pretty far! Even if it’s dropped in an inland location, litter can easily become marine debris. Then it can move around the ocean, being pushed around by wind and currents, and traveling to far off locations, from remote islands to the depths of the ocean.
By Jennifer Simms, Office of Response and Restoration Marine Debris Program
This feature is part of a monthly series profiling scientists and technicians who provide exemplary contributions to the mission of NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R). In this month’s feature meet Tom Barry, a management and program analyst in OR&R’s Marine Debris Program.
This is the 11th in a monthly series profiling scientists and technicians who provide exemplary contributions to the mission of NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R). This month’s featured scientist is Marine Debris Program Great Lakes Regional Coordinator Sarah Lowe.
Imagine you’ve planned a big day at the beach with your family and friends, loaded up the car with supplies, and traveled out to your favorite spot, only to find a beach littered with plastic beverage bottles, stray fishing line, chip bags, cigarette butts, and other debris. Would you stay and play, or be on your way? This is the choice that many face when heading to their local beaches.