Every month our Emergency Response Division provides scientific expertise and services to the U.S. Coast Guard on everything from running oil spill trajectories to model where the spill may spread, to possible effects on wildlife and fisheries, and estimates on how long the oil may stay in the environment.
Here are some of February’s notable incidents:
Vessel Grounded in American Samoa
On Feb. 7, 2018, an 88-foot commercial fishing vessel, the Chu Zai Fa No. 1, became grounded on a coral reef approximately 300 yards of Leone Bay in American Samoa. The vessel reportedly had 14,000 gallons of diesel onboard. Diesel fumes were detected, but no oil was observed on the shoreline. A trajectory forecast was requested in the event of a release. Pollution response efforts were completed on Monday, Feb. 12.
For more information, view the Coast Guard press release.
Sailboat Adrift off the Coast of California
On Feb. 17, 2018, a sailboat offshore of California’s central coast had reportedly been set adrift within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary five days earlier. It started taking on water and was left adrift on Monday, Feb. 12. OR&R provided a trajectory report for the vessel.
According to a U.S. Coast Guard press release, three people and a cat were rescues from the vessel near Point Piedras Blancas. A video of the rescue can be found on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service.
Tug Vessel Sunk off the Coast of Maine
On Feb. 22, 2018, a tug vessel sank off the coast of southern Maine. No crew was aboard the vessel when it sank. As much as 8,000 gallons of diesel fuel was estimated to be on board at the time the tug Capt. Mackintire sank. The NOAA scientific support coordinator mapped potential trajectory and possible shoreline impacts.
According to a U.S. Coast Guard press release, the vessel sunk after colliding with another tugboat. The Capt. Mackintire was being towed by the 40-foot tugboat Helen Louise. Sheening was reported in the area and the investigation is ongoing.
As of March 1, no additional credible signs of surface oil had been observed. The sunken vessel has not yet been located.
Bunker C Oil Released in Shuyak Strait, Alaska
On Feb. 26, 2018, a 3,000-gallon rubber, fuel bladder filled with bunker C fuel oil fell from the roof of an abandoned building that collapsed due to bad weather conditions nearly 50 miles north of Kodiak, Alaska in the Shuyak Strait. Response efforts are still underway.
For more information, view the Coast Guard’s latest update.
Here is the complete list of last month’s incidents, click on the links to find out more:
- Sprague Terminal
- Mystery Sheen, Offshore Cameron Parish
- PBF Energy Refinery Oil Spill
- Unidentified Tank, Blind Slough, OR
- Sturgeon River Bridge Tanker Accident Chassell, MI
- Grounded Vessel, Chui Zai Fa No. 1, American Samoa
- Breton Sound State Block 33
- Heavy Fuel Oil Spill Mississippi River MM 145
- Oily water discharge Theodore Ship Channel
- FV Sea Star
- Kent Bayou Discharge
- S/V Bella Gina adrift
- FV Misty Blue
- Lobo Operating, Grand Bay Tank Battery #1
- FV Captain MacKintire
- Sodium Hypochlorite Drums, Buffalo Bayou
- Port Williams Shuyak Island Bunker C Spill